窮,影響生活質素,缺乏物質生活。窮,吃不好。沒有錢,就買不到足夠和有營養的食物,亦不能出街食,基本本能欲望「食」都滿足唔到,真慘。食物品質差、味道差、味道難食、份量小、營養價值低。人地用一百元煮出來的飯餸的味道,是你二十五元不能比較的。窮,穿不好。沒有靚衣服穿,會比人笑佢,或者投下奇異的目光打量他,歧視他,使他有自悲感,自尊心受創,自信心低。阿媽媽買d衫褲又老土肉酸核特醜樣,為左平,買d大大個英文字母和公仔圖案的衫。著出街被人笑和歧視。佢唔會買girodano baleno 的淨色T恤,因為貴,所以佢會買大大個公字圖案的衫你著,唔理好唔好看,總之要平。你要知道一件衫係幾貴,如果著來著去都是殘舊和不漂亮的衣服,係會令小朋友自卑的。窮,住不好。居住面積小,連轉個身都有困難,沒有獨立房間,很大個都要和家長睡在一起,有身體接觸,很擠迫,住得不舒服。食,不開心。住,不開心。
他們不會買微波爐和電磁爐,因為他們唔識用,佢地不懂怎樣用微波爐和電磁爐煮野食,當然他們不會知道其背後所使用的科學原理,卻誤以為微波爐幅射會食死人,所以抗拒買和用微波爐。他們的文化和知識水平極低,不懂上網和打中文字,又不會去圖書館借書看。你有個咁冇用既父母,實在是很慘的。 冇錢冇朋友做。所以如果你冇錢,就等如冇朋友。你沒有零用錢就等如你很難跟人建立起社交來。
學校不是買了書就算的,有很多雜費要交,以前只要熟讀課本便能過關,而家要全透位學習,如果你冇錢,便冇得上任何興趣班(我認為一個興趣班就可,多未必有用),沒有任何一個課外活動,不懂說話技巧,接觸人的機會會少了,便會變成毒撚。冇錢出街,便會變成毒撚。你的小朋友不能和其他小朋友有共同話題(如討論區的HOT TOPIC)或溝通,人際關係處理不好,會受到排斥,冇人肯同你做朋友,成為被欺凌對象。造成陰影。難道這是你想見到嗎?被人孤立,不開心。
What is the effects poverty to children?
What is the effects poverty to children?
The living environment affects childrens mental, psycological, and developement of children. It is harmful to childrens’ interpersonel skills. And knowledges is so little. Can not compare to a better living environemnts child. They will have difficulty accomodate the society and hard to find a good job. If you are poor, then make no children. Don’t do harms to next generations. Who is responsible for the pain the child endure. The answer is simple. The poorest parents. Some couples love children. But their health cannot do so. But unresponsible parents can born many children like laid a eggs by a chicken. It is so unfair.
Poor. Affect living conditions. No enjoy of material. Poor. Can not eat better. No money cannot buy enough and nutritional foods. Cannot eat outsides. The traditonal desire for food cannot be succes. The qualtiy, taste, quantity, nutrition are all small. Poor. No good clothes. No clothes will be laughed by people. Make a poor eyes on you. Descrimintate you. Make you low esteem. Your mother buy you ugly clothes in order to save as much money as she can. If your clothers is broken or ugly. You have low esteems. Poor. Cannot live better. The room for you to live is small. No self rooms. You need to sleep with your mothers in the same beds although you were grow up. Have physical contacts. Unpleasant.
They don’t buy microwave oven or couduction heaters. Because they don’t know how to use. They don’t know the scientific pricipal facts of that machines. They believes microwave will make people cancer. So they don’t buy.
Their culture and knowledges is low. They are stupid. They don’t borrow books from library. They don’t know computer, typing, and internet. You have a useless parents is very poor.
No money. No friends. If you no money, equals to no friends. You have no petty cash means you are difficult to make relationships with others.
My mothers teachs me nothing. Making me difficult to form relationships with people. I believe not only me, but also many parents believe child can live himself and grow up without having support. They will let their children alone in home. It is criminal to do so. You can’t expect they will teach their children. Because they don’t know either. They will not teach knowledge of socity. Being a poor family children is very poor. No friends. Unhappy.
To those unlucky children who were born to poverty because their parents are poor. When you grow up. You do not need to give back money. Because they gave you pain. They made you live in a cage which is very small. Why do they born you? They abuse them. both physical and mental and psycologically. No petty cash. Use all his money to gamble and travels. No education. No money to buy computer and smartphones. No money to pay for interet fees. No good looking clothers. No need to repay the money to them. They ignore you. You also ignore them. Because they make you painfully live.
Poor. No money to buy computer, smartphone, broadband, data plan. If you calculate. The sum of those expenditure is compose a 10% of you household income. Poor parents have no ability to provide IT to their children. When other childrens surf the net, whatsapping, go youtube website to look for videos and songs. You provide nothings. It will be lost to the worlds. Google can find information and knowledges. If you have no facility and software and hardware will make him having IT gaps. Homeworks need to be done by computer and also the use of internet. If you have no computer, how can you finish? Use library computers? It need pre booking and limit to one hours per days per sessions. Unusefriendly. People who says this sentence is stupid. In group projects learning. No classmates want to accept you. Your son needs to be forced into a group will be laughed by whole class’s classmates.
School is not only buy him textbooks. There is so many petty expenditures. Your sons have little talking skills. Little chances to react with people. He will be isolated. No common topics be talked with others classmates. Bad interpesonal relationship. Discrimanated by others. No one wants to friend with your children. Being bullied. Left him unhappy shadows. Do you want to see these?
The expenditure of raising a child is 4millions HKD or 500000USD. It is said by Lee Lai Shan in a bank advertisements. If you have no money, please wear Condom before you make love.
Poor. Generally your parents run for workings very long hours. Their culture is low. They don’t know how to teach their children. They won’t bring their children to library or bookstroe. Some of them abuse their children by letting him alone in home without people look after.
Poor. No petty cash. Children can hardly buy things. They will be like autism. You should know that social with others needs support of money. Your children have no money, cannot meet others and make friends. Will have serious affect to his development. Making him difficult to find job and live in society.
Poorest childrens are loser in the starting lines. They have difficult roads to walk. They will bound to the wall when in society laters.
Don’t make poor third generation. Don’t make cross-poor-generation.
You need to calculate the financial situation before you have child. Prepare living places. Who looks after them. If born a son. Mothers no jobs because she looks after the children. Then financial pressure will bigger. If you two works, you need to hire one domestic helper to look after your children. Will be a big money. The more the child. The more on clothes, food, live. Your need to calculate the rents of finding a bigger house. I do not advise you to have children if you cannot afford a bigger flats. It is so crowded and no privacy. I do not advise you to have children if you already cannot feed up you ownself.